Monday, August 29, 2011

Put My Love on Top

Last night I watched the MTV Video Music Awards. My very favorite part was the Beyonce performance. I've always been an average enough fan of hers. I feel that since her and Jay got together, I've become more of a fan. She has has a certain love and glow through her music since then it seems. And it's her happiness and love that is glowing through her.

Her performance last night wasn't so mind boggling and off the charts. It was the emotion that seemed to pour from within her. And I know that so much of that was her being happily pregnant, but she's been so happy for a while.

As I listened to the song, watched her perform, drop that mic, show that baby bump, and Jay's face almost break in 76723423 pieces he was smiling so hard, I couldn't help but wince a tiny bit. Not at their clear PDA that took no touching from them, no looking in each other's eyes, but still it lit up the world that was showing. THAT is what I want.

I want that love that oozes out of your skin minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, week, month, year, decade...And not that everything will be perfect and great all the time, because I know that it won't. But that is the love that my soul yearns so deeply for. I am patient and I know that when it's my turn, then it will be  my turn. Until then, I'm patience. I'm probably not as wise as I should be. I don't make all the right choices that I should. But I've never been perfect and I'm not about to become that. But I know that I'm a good woman, and because I know that, I know that my time will come. And that makes is allllll good.

I'm looking forward to the time I can play that song and really feel it the way Beyonce's does! Yessss, Put My Life on Top! Till then.....................................................................................................................

~Veracious Virgo

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